Enjoy the hassle. We created a comfortable atelier in the midst of nature,
but also requires time and effort.

Thinkstay Mt.の自然溢れる環境で、あなたの創造性を膨らませてみませんか?緑に囲まれて読書をしたり、浮かぶ素敵なアイデアをじっくり練ったり、お外で映画・焚き火の鑑賞…。平屋建ての「横型コテージ HC」、3階建ての「縦型コテージ VC」は、フリーWi-fiはもちろん、キッチン、ダイニング、リビング、サニタリーなど、快適に過ごし、創作に没頭できる環境が整っています。「母屋 ShowIn」は、名匠:平田雅哉氏作の数寄屋造りを復刻しました。
You can read, brainstorm new ideas, conduct workshops, watch outdoor movies, and even enjoy a bonfire while surrounded by nature. We have also faithfully reproduced a traditional Sukiya-style shoin by the renowned artisan, Masaya Hirata.We provide a rich environment and space for everyone to enjoy.
Rather than providing services like those found in a luxury hotel, we would like you to enjoy spending your time and taking care of yourself. There is a place and environment where you can enjoy an environment that is conducive to creative thinking and sense while thinking about things.

Awaken the senses among the calm silence of mountain forest.

we would like you to enjoy spending your time and taking care of yourself. There is a place and environment where you can enjoy an environment that is conducive to creative thinking and sense while thinking about things. In the past, people had to go through such trouble in their daily lives. I think I can awaken my forgotten sensibilities.
※ 焚火、クッキングストーブ、ジビエケータリングサービスなどは、ご予約時にオプションまたはお電話にて承っております。
※ 母屋ShowIn 営業時間 10:00 AM ~ 8:30 PM
Enjoy your meal in nature
Bringing the ingredients to the kitchen and preparing your meal may be time-consuming, but it can be a fun experience. Meals made in the midst of nature always taste better.
At our facility, you can enjoy cooking in the cottage's kitchen, open fire, cooking stove and kettle.
In addition, you can enjoy wild game provided by local hunters with hot pot or grilled meat, and you can also purchase meal sets and snacks at ShowIn.

森の中で創造する / think in the forest.
アート作品の創作に没頭する / Immersed in the creation of art pieces.
ほのかな光に対峙しながら、時間の流れを環境の中で感じる。 / While facing the faint lightI want to feel the flow of time in my environment.
森の中で映画をみる。 / movie in the forest.